Thursday, November 19, 2015

use virtual address to buy things from japan even they don't send to international address - 日本的轉送地址 ( by Jshoppers ) see the provided link below.

This is the currier , shipping company  I used for purchasing things from japan which they dont provide international shipping services . .First of all, you need to have a virtual japanese address to buy.

FIRST comes first, you have to register ONE with the japanese shipping company ;
jshopper is the one i used ;
their official web site as below :

and then after you have become member, fill in your hong kong address and they will give you 
the japan warehouse address with your OWN mail box NUMBER, 
each cusotmer has different one .

then you can buy ONLINE ! have FUN ! 

ENJOY !!! shopping from japanese LC official website without hustles and buttles and get all the discounted items / online exclusives you like ! 

have FUN!!! 
if you have any problem ,please comment below and i will try answer you and please be patience, i may try to reply within 24 hours .. coz' i don't work for them .. i m just leisure blogging lolol ....

How to shop online _ {{ Le creuset Casseroles }} from Japanese web site and transfer back to home without hustle & bustles

Now is the best timing to buy online . coz' it is near "XMAS " and every shop starts the xmas sale and pre-sale for their customers to purchase xmas present .. .what a good excuse for shopping spree !

and after 1111 festival, thanksgiving, festival and now near xmas .. its time to go shopping ... even you can buy goods from japan without hustle and you can still buy japanese  products even from  those shops didn't provide international shipping.  YOU just need few " clicks ' and get your " own registration number of a virtual warehouse address of your own " which is the address of the warehouse shipping company and they will transfer the stocks from JAPANese shops to their shipping warehouse to back to your home, without hustles & bustles.

here is the link of the Japanese official L C SHOP : ( just registered as a subscriber as a member to enjoy the discounted packages exclusives online )

RIGHT click to translate to CHINESE or english .

( first you need to have  3rd party , japanese / chincese shipping company to register with 
your own mail box number of the warehouse address. so 
the products will deliver to you from the japanese LC shop to the warehouse of this shipping 
company and then this shipping company will send to your hong kong / usa  home. ) 

1.the procedure to get the JAPANESE virtual address first =
2. then registered as the JAPANESe LC web site member 
3. Order online and then input the japanese shipping address in the order form of LC page
4. then you can click to buy and send to your shipping company
5. track the order from the japanese shipping company. 
and deliver to your home around 2 weeks to 3 weeks . depends time and stock.. normally 
xmas has alot of customers and takes longer time. maybe more than a month . 
so don't buy as xmas gift lol ...may delay .








Saturday, November 14, 2015

教你如何區別LC 質素{{ Le creuset }} how to distinguish, 1st , 2nd quality and outlet quality compare with high standard quality Le creuset Casseroles

{{ Le crueset }} how to distinguish, 1st , 2nd quality and outlet quality compare with high standard quality Le creuset Casseroles

There are mainly 3 different  standards:
Best quality excellent ( perfectly, evenly painted with Hand, not many black dots, maybe a few on the wordings, such as " Le creuset ". but normally perfect on the rest of the smooth surface! and each pot is Q C < quality control > by an LC artist with the NAME on the sticker inside the POT )

 1st  standard  ( good quality, more evenly distributed paint and no sand bumb)
2nd standard   ( SECOND CHOIX ) doesn't mean they are bad quality, just not perfectly at high standard of oil painting.  also a.k.a Orange Labels.  coz the labels are orange.  maybe uneven edges on lid, or defects on silver knobe, ( the handle)

Long story cut short, addicted with this European cooking method , from stove top to oven back to the stove and than straightly serve on table( while mom and aunties  cooking with the helpers at home) , what else can pull the whole family together at Thanksgiving and Xmas time, while the big oval shaped Casseroles are perfect for the Turkeys!

Although I have been to the woodbury mall for more than 20 years since high school ,shopping with cousins and friends in states,  they don't have my favorite lilac mist colours, nor light purple back than in the 80s.... only primary and true colours at the LC shops. such as fame, pumkin, etc ..  ( Correct me if you are always a fan with LC cooking while Mom and servants are the main controller at the kitchen)
You can hardly find pastel colours such as lavender, light purple back than at the 80s , so I didn't purchase any pastel colour casseroles , only collected cassis and carribean blue.. the following are the examples extracted online as some of the bloggers from Taiwan did purchase and put on the web site, these images Courtesy on the Blogger here.

 second standard  with a dot at the bottom.
( even 2nd standard, there are not much black dots on the surface, only few acceptable ones
on the wordings, ) 
  courtesy lc woodbury outlet
Courtesy on the Blogger here
Courtesy on the Blogger here

Lilac Mist Photos  - colour -light purple

  lilac mist colour at the Fragship store in central under spot light , yellow lighting , unedited  except watermark for copyright .

 lilac mist colour at home in central under  yellow lighting , unedited  except watermark for copyright .

 {{ last tips for buying ; when buy , don't look at the web site or just facebook page, there are alot of Advertising  there, and the lighting are normally done inside the studio with white light setting, that means, it won't look the same colour while you go to see at Fragship store.. so Please go see there in your eyes before purchase!  different colours under different lightings .. and see if your home is flushed with sunlight ? or mainly with yellow lighting? viewing with different ambience have totally ruined your kitchen Colour scheme design! }}

{{ Official LC online lucky draw  }} 

newly launched LILAC MIST RARE limited items in 2014 

 my collection - LILAC Mist perfect quality - best without uneven colouring/ sand bumb/ etc. with clear wordings of LE CRUESET words.   ( the online lucky draw , save the hassle and bustle, no need to que or run fast at the local sogo store , just pick up at the fragship store in central & TST in HK)
 the tone is so Soft and pretty - my lovely lilic mist fafa ! only aound 180 pcs in hongkong and only launched in hong kong in 2014, which they have taiwan version in 2013.

 even the lilac mist marmite have a few black dots, which i don't mind at all, coz' you can't even notice! lol
only 80 pieces  limited ( 22cm Marmite )in HK

 Limited 150 sets  in Hong kong dated 2014.  26 cm Buffet + traivet 

 Limited 150 sets  in Hong kong dated 2014.  26 cm Buffet + traivet 

 lilac mist colour at home in central under  Day light , unedited  except watermark for copyright

This year, there are new colour - Bluebell  ( darker Lilic mist version) was launched in Hong Kong on 11 / 13 .. maybe it is BLACK Friday for Le creuset too, this is the first time, the exclusive New launched colour was Not SOLD Out on the same launching day. The exclusive colour at Sogo anniversry was sold out fast at 8pm far before the shop at sogo closed at 12am last year in 2014.. this year is a bad year for local LC sogo shop as the quality compared with last year... was disastrous.... even surfaces are covered by dark black dots .. .normally .. only on the wordings... this year, even the 3 embodied cornice on the surface has the dots dots on the 22cm buffet set.

 It is not a surprise as the economy was abit slow this week, the crash of the stock markets, there are still alot of tourist packed at the cosmetic counters on G/F and other outfit stores EXCEPT on LC counter, it was a surprised as it was packed and the quota were all given out within 30mins last year. But it was a disaster experiecnes for hte local Hong kong shoppers as some of them have to que for more than 3 hours at the back of houses at Sogo to wait for picking up the Casseroles. Lucky me,  i don't have to que and have win the lucky draw to get the casseroles and no need to run for the 150 limited quotas at SOGO last year 2014.( the newly launched Lilac Mist ,which is light purple colour 2014)

, As the Le Creuset Fan for more than 5 years in Hong kong and mom bought the first LC pot for cooking in states for more than few decades ago at the 80s ... there is a shock that the quality is not as good as before... Apparently , the coating has alot of changes throughout this few years, popular colours are antique rose, pp , pb , pink, Lilac Mist and the discontinued Cassis which was only sold at Lanecrawford exclusively.

As friends keep asking me the quality of the outlet ones compared with the 1st and 2nd 1quality standards, I start the research by going to different outlet malls, such as woodbury in New york, USA.

WEBSITE OF WOOBURY here: click the link below:,-74.1256622,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x8425fe21b5a2baa8

in USA :

 Courtesy Google Map 

Direction of Traansportation to woodbury outlet mall : 
Can book a reduced grouptour if you are not living in NEWYORK, Travel from newyork to woodbury by ( driving) car around 90 mins without traffic jam though lincon tunnel. 

The center is located on Route 32 just north of Route 17 and due west of Exit 16 on the New York State Thruway (Interstate 87). A weekend-onlyshuttle bus also runs from the mall to the nearby Harriman station on Metro North's Port Jervis Line ( extract fr wiki) ( normally we drive there from home to the retail mall by car , around 90 mins from newyork upper state) 

New expansion in 2011. double decked parking garages + extra retail spaces alot of stores there apart from Le Creuset ,please plan ahead for the shopping spree so not to have extra financial pressure! BUY smart and Live a quality life! 

Le Creuset - NYC ( central valley)
889 Grapevine Ct
Central Valley, NY 10917

Have fun shopping and hope you know the different quality standard as in USA. and compared with the stock in hong kong last year.. I am always satisfy with my purchases even in hongkong , it all depends on your luck and I won't lower my bars on quality standard and won't purchase 2nd standards.. so i only buy those i think they meet the high excellent standard of LC . 

More experiences of other people 's buying experiences at the lecreuset oulet store as folloed:

HAPPY Shopping , hope you have the LUCK to get the lucky draw quotas( buying coupon in hk for the newly launched BBQ bluebell purple colour in HK ,asia  and no need to que at the shop to buy  !! GOOD LUCK!!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

{{LAZY EVIL crab Nite }} 15 mins Comfort food.. just steam evil hairy crabs + wontun noodles at home .. .fast and easy . ! YAY catch up .Friday movie nite... 在家里..邪恶大闸蟹+云吞面.... 。快速和容易 !.

{{LAZY EVIL crab Nite }} 15 mins Comfort food.. just steam evil hairy crabs + wontun noodles at home .. .fast and easy . ! YAY catch up .Friday movie nite... 在家里..邪恶大闸蟹+云吞面.... 。快速和容易 !.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Side Dishes Inspiration - with Korean and Mediterranean cuisine cross over. ( with recipe)

{ Side dishes inspiration ] - korean dishes + mediterrean cuisine. + mexican spicy shirrmps avocado dips.+ korean perilla .男朋友送了小花,係時候做啲小點給他小驚喜。。韓國辛辣青瓜 ,芝麻涼拌菠菜,墨西哥牛油果點辛蝦,麻辣茄子+韓國紫蘇葉;


( 25 finger foods , time for preparation around 30mins ) 

  • 1 pack fo Tortilla chips or nacho cheesey ones you love
  • with spicy shirmps on top , 
  • with guacamole sauce in between , 
  • great for party food .. finger foodies / side dishes . 
  • 50 pcs  shrimp peeled ( fresh indonsian white shirmps will do ) 
  • 2 tb Grape seed oil 
  • 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
  • 1/4 teaspoon seasalt
  • 1 cup prepared guacamole (ingredients in next blog page ) 
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro/parsley , 
  • Bite-sized round corn tortilla chips
  • Crumbled feta cheese or queso fresco, for serving
  • (  garnish with parsley and left over parmesan cheese  ) 

Ingredients for Guacamole sauce ; 
2 big Avocados, take out teh seeds
1 lime 
1/2 ta kosher salt / seasalt
1/2 gound Cumin
1/2 teaspoon cavenne
1/japlapeno pepper 
2 roma tomatoes 
1 table spoon of cilantro 
1 clove of garlic 
( Garnished with parmesan cheese or the cheese of your favour) 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Le creuset Fan- this season , New alfresco Dinner theme at fall/winter2015-

This season 's new colour at Le creuset- aflresco diner Theme.. 

boysenberry , English lavender, Orchid , Brillliant lavender. 

Monday, October 26, 2015

House warming party with friends = cooking is fun ! YOU are what you eat !

Sauteed King crab with salt and butter. Grilled after baking in le crueset Marmite 22cm 

Bacon baked with quiel eggs . Once a while for this evil party food... modified food..== no good..

Seafood pots with italian herbs , clams, french Blue mussels + spanish shrimps. + parsely etc. 

  Sauteed Duck breast with mesh potatos: 

Bon appetite!!! happy gathering with old friends ! 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

{{home made ぐでたま met となりのトトロ}}當雞蛋哥遇見龍貓大人。。。Dinner is Fun .. .yumyum....仲有 煤炭屎鬼

{{home made ぐでたま met となりのトトロ}}當雞蛋哥遇見龍貓大人。。。Dinner is Fun .. .yumyum....仲有 煤炭屎鬼 XD

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Home made ToFFEE - homegodiva XD ( prepration less than few minutes)

Homemade Toffee candies - for halloween party 

Chocolate 80% dark 
Condensed milk ( half small can) 

Heat up the condensed milk with low to mid high heat
Keep stirring for 5 mins until it start to be abit foamy
add the melted chocolate  in it and keep stirring until all mix well together.
Add Walnuts 
put in fridge for 1 hour . 
And scope them into small pieces and DONE ! 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

HOME baked Japanese Cheese Tart = Bon appetite !

 Ingredients :
for 10 to 13 Tarts 2inches size

butter ( smells better) or healthier shortening牛油  : 120g
Caster Suger砂糖: 30g
All-purpose flour面粉 : 180g
small egg小鸡蛋: 1 pc

Cheese Filling: 

italian Mascarpone cheese 意大利芝士: 130g (those used for tiramisu ) 
Cream cheese 奶油乳酪; 150g 
vanilla extract香草精: 1 tea spoon
Yogurt酸奶 : 1/4  cup ( 25 to 30 g)
milk 牛奶 ; 20g ( japanese brand , sweeter, dont use skim milk) 
light cream淡奶油: 50g
caster sugar砂糖: 60g 
corn starch淀粉 10g
egg white ; 1 ( beat until solid form /foamy  around 8 mins same as making macaon)
egg york : 1 ( for brushing on the tarts at before baking)

 melt all cheese with the Milk in double boiler
 ( heat up a bowl of hot water and mix the cheese on the other batten bowl resting on top) : 
Add 1/4 cup yogurt , corn starch 10g+vanilla extract+ foamy egg white (which prepared as below before hand).
 Prepare egg white till it is foamy around 8mins.   準備泡沫蛋白,直到它大約是短時間就泡沫。
 PASTRY:Mixed all butter + sugar + flour ,蛋撻酥皮,混合所有的黃油+糖+麵粉,
rest in fridge for 2 hours before  baking in oven for
8 mins at 150 degree, pre- heat oven with 250.

 separate the pastry with small balls.. and butter all molds before filling with the pastry material.
baked in oven for 8 mins  at 150degree ( preheat oven with 250 degree first ) .

 after 8 mins in oven , rest them for another 5 mins to make it crispy!

Take out the ready mixed cheese mixture and rest at room temp. 
fill in the pastry with 1 tb of the cheese mixture . 

brushed with the egg york before bake in oven for 5 mins , at 170 degree.

wala DONE ! ready to serve.

Bon appetite !