Wednesday, September 13, 2017

[flipper's style ] the recent hits - jappy Souffle pancake - ( flippers style)

hi hi , dear friends

the recent hits -  Japanese Souffle pancake with ice cream/cream  / or yogurt.

                                     wow .. fluffy - yummy Japanese souffle pancake

Ingredients : ( 2 to 4 pancakes mini size around 4 to 5 inches) 

2 eggs 
18 g casting sugar
18g milk 
2 tea spoon lemon juice
baking powder- 2 tea spoon 
vanila extract - 2 to 3 drops
all-purpose / self rising flour - 48 g 

 step 1 prepare the ingredients 
2 . separate the 2 eggs/ egg white and egg yolks 

 3 prepare the eggwhite creammy before
- 2 egg whites 
-prepare whipped cream by pulling in casting sugar for 3 times 
until they are stuffy as belowed .. around 8 to 15 mins 

 set aside + 

prepare the egg yolk with the remaining milk/sugar and mixed with lemon juice and
baking powder/self- rising flour. 
mixed well  and then add the fluffy egg white cream 

prepare the foil paper with 3 cm wide and around a package long 
and wrapped up as below : 

preheat the frying pan for 5mins and add 2 table spoon of unsalted butter
pour in the mixing ingredients into the frying pan and pan for 2 mins each side until they are 
golden brown .
wala - done 
pre heat frying pan and pan for 2 mins each side until they are 
golden brown .
wala - done 

pour in the icecream- and the pancake man stick into the icecream .

wala DONE ! 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

The NEWbies to match with my set at home = 2017 mega sales newbies

The followings are the newbies we found at the mega sales := 

2017 Le creuset mega sale in hk -open box tonite

As before, all the fans of le creuset will grap this opportunities to collect those we do not have at the mega sales... as we can hardly find those at the fragship store. this is their marketing tartics to earn fans to go collect the stonewares to match with the set at home.

I didn't go to the vvip pre-sale as i was busy with life/ work... however, i got these from friends and jm .. and it is the best time to go at the day time while most of the house wives have to work for their babies... and OL needs to work at office.

collectibles : [ as followed]