Monday, April 11, 2016

The stock comparison on Le creuset LC private sale , bi-annul in hk... recent years , 2013 to 2016 ( PART 3)

  {{ REVIEW Of  hk LC private sale }} 
From 2013 to 2016
after getting each items on each sale for few times. 
( step by step, no need to waste money to buy from others) 

Dear Le creuset users/Friends,
There are 2 LC private sales in hong kong each year  in april and sept.  annually
also, on the birthday sale  of Le creuset lunching date in HK which was six years ago.

History of Le creuset ( FRENCH brand), extract from official website . courtesy le creuset co uk.
{{ CLICK here to divert to UK lc website}}

However the LC brand was in France since 1925 and many years in States , USA sand Europe. UK , dutch, france.  People around the globe didn't act like crazy shoppers as in Hong kong, There are OUTLETs distributed in elsewhere such as japan korea, usa, norway,australia etc and please see the BLOG post about this :-

maybe the newness in HK attract alot of locals. 

Also, the resellers ( those local people didn't even know how to pronounce the brand name correctly ,rush to buy all the half priced stonewares and resell on facebook private groups) in HK marked up the private sale's items ridiculously and make real loyal Lc shoppers stopped buying.
( suggest you dont' buy from them. coz' the LC stonewares are ALWAYS on sale on shelves at 40% off even you buy more than 4 items.. no need to buy Marked up ( warehouse sale items ,which was no more as cheap as 50% off. sometimes even higher than 40% off  - at retail  / dealer shop Rates) !

ONLY casseroles are claimed to be made in France on the cast iron casseroles , 
with ( MADE in FRANCE) .

3rd time - ( private VIP sale) items :- 
with dog bowl + long plate + cereal bowl 
with Lilic mist limited ( lucky draw hk version) Collection 

20151006 items found at VIP private sale - 
mixing bowl + 350 + mixer 
1. cassis saucepan round shaped 
2. oval shaped 27 mm cassis oval 

  ( matching Lilac mist whole set) 

  2015  10 06  

( part 3 ) 

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